You can use Alt + Click
to set multiple cursors in PhpStorm but if you want to quickly make an array of some list like this, it's simply too many lines to click: (example from Sublime Text 3)
In Sublime Text 3 you simply select all the lines and hit Ctrl + Shift + L
and it will set cursors at the end of each line and then you can hit Home
button to set the cursors at the beginning or whatever.
I can't find anything in docs... maybe someone knows how to do this in PHPStorm or at least how to make some keyboard shortcut with macro or something?
Such action is available from 2020.2 version -- see IDEA-122181.
It's called Add Caret Per Selected Line and by default has Alt + Shift + G shortcut on Windows (⌥⇧G on Mac).
There is also Extra Actions plugin: it claims to do that and a few other things.
Current alternatives (that are much easier than the mentioned Alt + Click):
Just go into Column Selection Mode (from the "Edit" menu, Alt + Shift + Insert on Windows, Cmd + Shift + 8 on Mac). Exit that mode when done.
Alternatively, to add multiple carets (Clone Caret Below / Above):
You can also make a multiple selection by pressing Shift + Alt and dragging the caret.