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Initialization of UIDocumentPickerViewController in iOS 14

I have a UIDocumentPickerViewController that picks only images. This works fine in iOS 13:

let supportedTypes: [String] = ["public.image"]
let documentPickerViewController = UIDocumentPickerViewController(documentTypes: supportedTypes, in: .import)

I'm trying to achieve the same in iOS 14.

However, init(documentTypes:in:) was deprecated in iOS 14.0.

So I'm assuming I have to use this initializer instead: init(forOpeningContentTypes:asCopy:)

The forOpeningContentTypes argument expects an array of UTType.
I'm not sure how to use / import it.
Is it like [UTType.Image]?

let supportedTypes: [UTType] = [UTType.Image]
self.viewController = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: supportedTypes, asCopy: true)

👆🏻 This won't even compile because Cannot find type 'UTType' in scope.
I also tried import MobileCoreServices and even import CoreServices, but that didn't help.

The documentation for the new Document Picker initializer points to this UTTypeReference -- so I tried using that, but it can't be found either.

How can I have a UIDocumentPickerViewController that picks only images in iOS 14?


This works (thanks @Warren):

import UniformTypeIdentifiers
let supportedTypes: [UTType] = [UTType.image]
let pickerViewController = UIDocumentPickerViewController(forOpeningContentTypes: supportedTypes, asCopy: true)


  • Add import UniformTypeIdentifiers to your swift file to get access to UTType

    See the documentation for more usages.

    And the WWDC2020 video "Build document-based apps in SwiftUI" for a practical demo.