I'm working on an swing application with a main window (which extends JFrame
) from which several child windows can be opened (more than 1 contemporarily).
These windows are all non-modal and resizable.
So far, I implemented these 'child' windows as a JFrame
. However, I get a new icon on my Windows taskbar for each opened Window.
I therefore tried to implement these windows as a JDialog
with type ModalityType.MODELESS
Looks OK except that a JDialog has no minimize button.
Is there a way to resolve this?
I.e., I need to create non-modal and resizable child windows that can be minimized.
is not an option since the main frame is not just a container with a JDesktopPane
and child windows should be able to cross the borders of the main window.
For those interested:
Child windows register and unregister themselves on the main window when being opened/closed.
The main window has a menu with a 'Windows' item and child windows are added/removed from that menu upon registration/unregistration.
The user can switch between the various windows by selecting an item within this menu.
I am offering two suggestions.
I think having the JDialog close button destroy data is setting your users up for data loss. I would instead use the close to just hide the window, and then have controls inside of the dialog to cancel/finish/restart.
import java.awt.*;
public class DiFrame{
static JDialog log;
static JFrame ame;
public static void main(String[] args){
JFrame frame = new JFrame("Father of two");
JButton one = new JButton("dialog");
one.addActionListener( evt->{
log = new JDialog(frame, "dialog child", false);
log.add(new JTextArea("fresh start"));
} else{
JButton two = new JButton("frame");
two.addActionListener( evt->{
ame = new JFrame("frame child");
ame.add( new JTextArea("fresh start") );
} else{
frame.add(one, BorderLayout.NORTH);
frame.add(two, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
Click the dialog button and it shows the dialog. Then the text area can be modified. When the dialog is closed it can be re-opened.
Click the frame button and a jframe is shown. ( I actually cannot check if this shows up as a new application because it doesn't on my computer anyways. )