I'm trying to customize the buttons selectors of columns with checkboxes. The table is made it with
import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
import ToolkitProvider from "react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit";
I have creacted the checkboxes and checked by default only three of them, but this selection has no effect over the table. Why?
On the other hand, If I make clic over a checkbox, this click show or hide the column correctly, but it doesn't appear the checkbox checked or unchecked. Why?
What am I doing wrong?
You've got all the code here:
How can I fix my mistakes?
This one is wrong, just remove it, or close and it will work:
checked={index < 3 ? true : false}
EDIT: For first 3 columns must be something like this.
import React from "react";
import "./styles.css";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css";
import BootstrapTable from "react-bootstrap-table-next";
import ToolkitProvider from "react-bootstrap-table2-toolkit";
import { Form } from "react-bootstrap";
export default function App() {
const columns = [
dataField: "id",
text: "Product ID",
hidden: true
dataField: "name",
text: "Product Name",
hidden: true
dataField: "price",
text: "Product Price",
hidden: true
dataField: "field1",
text: "Field 1"
dataField: "field2",
text: "Field 2"
dataField: "field3",
text: "Field 3"
dataField: "field4",
text: "Field 4"
dataField: "field5",
text: "Field 5"
dataField: "field6",
text: "Field 6"
dataField: "field7",
text: "Field 7"
dataField: "field8",
text: "Field 8"
dataField: "field9",
text: "Field 9"
dataField: "field10",
text: "Field 10"
dataField: "field11",
text: "Field 11"
dataField: "field12",
text: "Field 12"
const products = [
id: 1,
name: "Producto 1",
price: 3.45,
field1: 1,
field2: 2,
field3: 3,
field4: 4,
field5: 5,
field6: 6,
field7: 7,
field8: 8,
field9: 9,
field10: 10,
field11: 11,
field12: 12
id: 2,
name: "Producto 2",
price: 4.45,
field1: 1,
field2: 2,
field3: 3,
field4: 4,
field5: 5,
field6: 6,
field7: 7,
field8: 8,
field9: 9,
field10: 10,
field11: 11,
field12: 12
id: 3,
name: "Producto 3",
price: 5.45,
field1: 1,
field2: 2,
field3: 3,
field4: 4,
field5: 5,
field6: 6,
field7: 7,
field8: 8,
field9: 9,
field10: 10,
field11: 11,
field12: 12
const CustomToggleList = ({ columns, onColumnToggle, toggles }) => (
/* <div
className="btn-group btn-group-toggle btn-group-vertical"
.map(column => ({
toggle: toggles[column.dataField]
.map(column => (
className={`btn btn-warning ${column.toggle ? "active" : ""}`}
aria-pressed={column.toggle ? "true" : "false"}
onClick={() => onColumnToggle(column.dataField)}
</div> */
<div className = "text-center">
.map(column => ({
toggle: toggles[column.dataField]
.map((column, index) => (
key = {column.dataField}
//aria-pressed={(column.toggle) ? "true" : "false"}
aria-checked={ column.toggle ? "true" : "false"}
onChange = {() => onColumnToggle(column.dataField)}
//onClick={() => onColumnToggle(column.dataField)}
return (
<div className="App">
<h1>Hello CodeSandbox</h1>
<h2>Start editing to see some magic happen!</h2>
{props => (
<CustomToggleList {...props.columnToggleProps} />
<hr />
<BootstrapTable {...props.baseProps} />