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Unable to parse GPS information via serial port

I have used the following packages to:

  1. read from the serial port (go get
  2. parse the incoming message from the serial port (go get adrianmo/go-nmea)

Host machine: Windows 10

Go Version: go version go1.14.4 windows/amd64

Based on the documentation I wrote a simple code that opens the dedicated serial port (COM4) and reads the NMEA data from the port and tries to parse the data according to the go-nmea package


Incoming Data from GPS sensor:






Code Snippet

package main

import (


func main() {

    mode := &serial.Mode{
        BaudRate: 9600,
        Parity:   serial.NoParity,
        DataBits: 8,
        StopBits: serial.OneStopBit,
    serPort, err := serial.Open("COM4", mode)
    if err != nil {

    defer serPort.Close()

    buff := make([]byte, 1024)

    for {
        n, err := serPort.Read(buff)
        if err != nil {
        if n == 0 {
        rawSentence := string(buff[:n])
        s, err := nmea.Parse(rawSentence)
        if err != nil {
        if s.DataType() == nmea.TypeRMC {
            m := s.(nmea.RMC)
            fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n", m)
            fmt.Printf("Time: %s\n", m.Time)
            fmt.Printf("Validity: %s\n", m.Validity)
            fmt.Printf("Latitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Latitude))
            fmt.Printf("Latitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Latitude))
            fmt.Printf("Longitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Longitude))
            fmt.Printf("Longitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Longitude))
            fmt.Printf("Speed: %f\n", m.Speed)
            fmt.Printf("Course: %f\n", m.Course)
            fmt.Printf("Date: %s\n", m.Date)
            fmt.Printf("Variation: %f\n", m.Variation)


If I run the code I get the following error:

2020/06/30 16:02:16 nmea: sentence does not start with a '$' or '!'
exit status 1

which is strange because if I comment out the code parsing code:

        // s, err := nmea.Parse(rawSentence)
        // if err != nil {
        //  log.Fatal(err)
        // }
        // if s.DataType() == nmea.TypeRMC {
        //  m := s.(nmea.RMC)
        //  fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n", m)
        //  fmt.Printf("Time: %s\n", m.Time)
        //  fmt.Printf("Validity: %s\n", m.Validity)
        //  fmt.Printf("Latitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Latitude))
        //  fmt.Printf("Latitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Latitude))
        //  fmt.Printf("Longitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Longitude))
        //  fmt.Printf("Longitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Longitude))
        //  fmt.Printf("Speed: %f\n", m.Speed)
        //  fmt.Printf("Course: %f\n", m.Course)
        //  fmt.Printf("Date: %s\n", m.Date)
        //  fmt.Printf("Variation: %f\n", m.Variation)
        // }

The serial port prints the GPS co-ordinates as mentioned above.

Where am I going wrong here? I tried removing the new-line and carriage-return by doing the following in the code:

        rawSentence := string(buff[:n])
        rawSentence = string.ReplaceAll(rawSentence, "\r\n", "")

But I still get the same error.


  • I was able to figure out the problem. I started by checking how my bytes were read generally from the following code:

         n, err := serPort.Read(buff)
         fmt.Printf("%d", n)

    It was sequentially giving out values 1 and 73, 74. Assuming that the 1 is the new line character sent by the device itself, I figured out that this could be the reason why the code was unable to catch $GPRMC.

    Hence I modified my code to check if the number of bytes read are always greater than 1 byte

        for {
            n, err := serPort.Read(buff)
            fmt.Printf("%v\n", n)
            if err != nil {
            // do not try to parse a single read byte
            // instead parse the actual incoming string.
            if n > 1 {
                rawSentence := string(buff[:n])
                s, err := nmea.Parse(rawSentence)
                if err != nil {
                if s.DataType() == nmea.TypeRMC {
                    m := s.(nmea.RMC)
                    fmt.Printf("Raw sentence: %v\n", m)
                    fmt.Printf("Time: %s\n", m.Time)
                    fmt.Printf("Validity: %s\n", m.Validity)
                    fmt.Printf("Latitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Latitude))
                    fmt.Printf("Latitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Latitude))
                    fmt.Printf("Longitude GPS: %s\n", nmea.FormatGPS(m.Longitude))
                    fmt.Printf("Longitude DMS: %s\n", nmea.FormatDMS(m.Longitude))
                    fmt.Printf("Speed: %f\n", m.Speed)
                    fmt.Printf("Course: %f\n", m.Course)
                    fmt.Printf("Date: %s\n", m.Date)
                    fmt.Printf("Variation: %f\n", m.Variation)

    Sure enough, the code works now and the output derived is what I expect:

    Raw sentence: $GPRMC,142312.000,A,5306.6774,N,00851.3114,E,0.04,14.48,300620,,,A*5A
    Time: 14:23:12.0000
    Validity: A
    Latitude GPS: 5306.6774
    Latitude DMS: 53° 6' 40.644000"
    Longitude GPS: 851.3114
    Longitude DMS: 8° 51' 18.684000"
    Speed: 0.040000
    Course: 14.480000
    Date: 30/06/20
    Variation: 0.000000