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Function documented in package downloaded from CRAN but not available when loading the package. Function reverselog_trans from ACSNMineR

I have installed using R studio the package ACSNMineR from CRAN. In the documentation of CRAN:, it appears a function named reverselog_trans, but when I load the package through library(ACSNMineR) the function that not appear as define. But the version of both the documentation in CRAN and the installed package is the same Moreover, in the documentation of the installed package, it is the function documented but it is not defined.

I am using R version 3.6.3 (2020-02-29), on Linux mint.

Does anybody have a clue on what is going on ??


  • The package is working as it should be. The reverselog_trans() seems to be a "helper function" that is not exported to the NAMESPACE. That means the function is there (a link to GitHub) and is used by the package itself, but not exported to the user.

    When you use scale = 'reverselog' as an option in represent_enrichment() it calls reverselog_trans() in the background.