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Facing connection issue while running copy in Vertica

When I am running my COPY script , below error comes: Unable to report error to server:Connection I/O error

This is not just failing but also node goes down with it.

Has anyone ever come across any such issue ? In my copy i am using Fjsonparser. The same script was running fine until today ,today I did 3 reruns all the time query failed and node went down. could there be any data issue ? If yes , what particularly I should be looking for in json that i am trying to copy.


  • Thanks to your explanation, I can now suggest a remedy:

    Take a deviation, by using a flex table , and :

    CREATE FLEX TABLE my_flex_test();
    COPY my_flex_test FROM '/your/data/directory/your_small_sample_file.json' 
      PARSER fjsonparser(<your_original_parameters>);

    This creates a two-column table:

    CREATE TABLE my_flex_test (
      __identity__ BIGINT                NOT NULL
    , __raw__      LONGVARBINARY(130000) NOT NULL

    Now, you can have Vertica guess types and sizes :


    And then (this is a very small example of mine):

    SELECT * FROM my_flex_test_keys;
     key_name | frequency | data_type_guess 
     recordid |         2 | Varchar(40)
     fare     |         2 | Numeric(6,3)

    Use the data_type_guess suggestions to modify your table columns .