My style theme (stackOverFlow's user answer here)
My code
fun clickDatePicker() {
val local = Locale.KOREA
val builder = MaterialDatePicker.Builder.dateRangePicker()
val picker =
picker.apply {
addOnPositiveButtonClickListener { selection: Pair<Long, Long>? ->
// just my other logic
selection?.first?.let { setYearMonthDate(it) }
?.let { it1 -> firstAndSecondMap.put(0, it1) }
selection?.second?.let { setYearMonthDate(it) }
?.let { it1 -> firstAndSecondMap.put(1, it1) }
binding.duration = 0
show(supportFragmentManager, "picker")
Currently (1.1.0
) there isn't a method to hide the header title.
It is only a workaround and it can stop working in the next releases.
In your theme overlay you can set the visibility
of the HeaderTitle with:
<style name="MaterialCalendarTheme" parent="ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.MaterialCalendar">
<item name="materialCalendarHeaderTitle">@style/HeaderTitle_Hide</item>
<style name="HeaderTitle_Hide" parent="@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.MaterialCalendar.HeaderTitle">
<item name="android:visibility">gone</item>
It is not enough. You have to override these dimens in your project.
<dimen name="mtrl_calendar_header_height">72dp</dimen>
<dimen name="mtrl_calendar_selection_text_baseline_to_top">58dp</dimen>