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How to get dynamodb to only return certain columns

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Hello, I have a simple dynamodb table here filled with placeholder values.

How would i go about retrieving only sort_number, current_balance and side with a query/scan?

I'm using python and boto3, however, just stating what to configure for each of the expressions and parameters is also enough.


  • Within the Boto3 SDK you can use:

    • get_item if you're trying to retrieve a specific value
    • query, if you're trying to get values from a single partition (the hash key).
    • scan if you're trying to retrieve values from across multiple parititions.

    Each of these have a parameter named ProjectionExpression, using this parameter provides the following functionality

    A string that identifies one or more attributes to retrieve from the specified table or index. These attributes can include scalars, sets, or elements of a JSON document. The attributes in the expression must be separated by commas.

    ]You would specify the attributes that you want to retrieve comma separated, be aware that this does not reduce the cost of RCU that is applied for performing the interaction.