I am trying to create a column using the string value of a macro variable in SAS. I have a dataset called want7 which has a column called 'ID'. I want to create a new dataset called want8 with a new column called 'ID1' by dynamically linking it to &string1 (as in the name of the column is linked to &string1) but the values of the column should equal the value of the 'ID' column in want7. How do I do this? Thanks in advance. I have only copied and pasted what I could write since I am relatively new to SAS.
%let string1 = ID1;
data want8; set want7;
/*Something like &string1 = ID*
Using sashelp.class as an example (because it exists by default). Substitute as needed:
%let string1 = ID1;
data want8;
set sashelp.class;
&string1 = age ;
This will reread the dataset. If you just want renames, look at the dataset option rename=. See SAS documentation: https://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/lrcon/62955/HTML/default/viewer.htm#a000695119.htm