Let's say I have a streaming API like this:
interface MyInterface {
addListener @0 (listener: Listener) -> (registration: RegisteredListener);
interface Listener {
update @0 () -> stream;
interface RegisteredListener {
I'm having a challenge where the destructor for the server implementation of MyInterface
is running before the last registered interface has been released. How can I properly communicate the relationship to cap'n'proto RPC so that even if the client releases it's MyInterface::Client
before the RegisteredListener::Client
, that either MyInterface::Server
lifetime is extended or the RegisteredListener::Server
is smart enough to recognize that the original server instance its tracking the registration for is dead. Alternatively, am I misusing the API in some basic way?
Roughly the C++ code looks like this. Server:
class MyInterfaceImpl : public MyInterface {
class Registered final : public MyInterface::RegisteredListener::Server {
Registered(MyInterfaceImpl* parent, uint64_t registrationId) : parent_(parent), id_(registrationId) {}
~Registered() {
MyInterfaceImpl *parent_;
uint64_t id_;
kj::Promise<void> addListener(MyInterface::AddListenerContext context) {
auto registrationId = ++registrationId_;
context.getResult().setRegistration(kj::heap<Registered>(this, registrationId));
return kj::READY_NOW;
void unregister(uint64_t registrationId) {
auto found = std::find(registrations_.begin(), registrations_.end(), registrationId);
clients_.erase(clients_.begin() + (found - registrations_.begin()));
std::vector<MyInterface::Listener::Client> clients_;
std::vector<uint64_t> registrations_;
uint64_t registrationId_ = 0;
The client code looks something like this:
capnp::EzRpcClient client("localhost:5923");
MyInterface::Client intf = client.getMain<MyInterface>();
auto& waitScope = client.getWaitScope();
auto listenerRequest = intf.addListenerRequest();
auto listenerPromise = listenerRequest.send();
auto listenerRequest2 = intf.addListenerRequest();
auto listenerPromise2 = listenerRequest2.send();
Since this is all single-threaded it's pretty easy to spot the use-after-free. I put debug statements in ~MyInterfaceImpl
and ~RegisteredListener
and the second listener is getting unregistered after ~MyInterfaceImpl
. I know that my add listener requests don't have the actual client object but I'm hoping that's not actually an important detail for this.
I recommend having Registered
class hold a MyInterface::Client
pointing to the parent, in addition to the plain pointer it currently holds.
MyInterfaceImpl *parent_;
MyInterface::Client ownParent_;
uint64_t id_;
This ensures that as long as a Registered
still exists, the MyInterfaceImpl
won't be destroyed.
Inside the implementation of addListener()
, you can obtain a MyInterface::Client
pointing to this
by calling thisCap()
this, thisCap(), registrationId));