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How to signal RPi-WebRTC-Streamer External IP address to the coTurn server?

At the moment, my RWS (RPi-WebRTC-Streamer) application works on my local network. I am now trying to connect it to my hosted coTURN server.

My main_rws_orig.js is pointing at my coTurn server:

var localTestingUrl = "ws://";

//var pcConfig = {"iceServers": [{"urls": ""}]};

var pcConfig = {"iceServers": [{"urls": ""}]};

In using I get the following when testing TURN and STUN:

0.009 rtp host 3376904655 udp c7f50fee-cbd0-4332-ae51-a013c4d35c5e.local 41771 126 | 30 | 255

0.091 rtp srflx 842163049 udp 41771 100 | 30 | 255

0.158 rtp relay 3617893847 udp 17857 2 | 30 | 255 39.809 Done 39.811

My coTurn web configuration tool is working also.

I have read about a signalling server, but have not found much documentation regarding it. I am just trying to figure out how to finish. How do connect my RWS application to the outside world using coturn.

Any tips or information will be greatly appreciated.


  • A signalling server is basically a service that sends the ICE candidates betweens the peers of your conversation. Usually it uses Websockets for this communication. The ICE candidates may include the CoTurn server credentials you provide to the WebRTC Object in JavaScript. But you need to share all candidates between the participants and for THIS you need the signalling server. You can use any language that supports full websockets communication like NodeJS or Java (not PHP!).

    Take a look at this article, it describes this very well:

    Except you explicitly want to use Peer-To-Peer WebRTC, I recommend you also to take a look at the tutorials of Kurento Media Server to get a better understanding of this principle, the NodeJS/Java is signalling between Kurento and your browser. Please note by using a media server it will be always in the middle between the participants, what has advantages like reducing the network usage of each participant + recording the whole conversation on the media server, but also disadvantages like no end-to-end encryption.

    NodeJS example:

    Java example: