Data = [ [0, 'Dev', 'Test1', 0, 0], [0, 'Dev', 'Test2', 0, 0], [0, 'Dev', 'Test3', 0, 0]
loop = 1
while loop == 1:
#There Is more than one user, they can only see their data
print ('type name of User')
User = str(input())
This is where the problem resides. The challenge is printing out every occurrence of the user that is being used when in the first Index.
YP = (Data[[value[1] for value in Data].index(User)][2])
print ('|['+User+'][', YP)
except ValueError:
print ('No Data')
We want an output like this using Dev
|[Dev][ Test 1
|[Dev][ Test 2
|[Dev][ Test 3
And we want an output like this using other names:
No Data
But when new data is entered for this other name:
|[Ck][ Hello
|[Ck][ Konichiwa
|[Ck][ Bonjour
This is how new data is entered:
print ('Type = New Data')
NewData = str(input())
PID = len(Data)
PID = (PID - 1)
PID = Data[PID] [0]
PID = (PID + 1)
Data.append([PID, User, NewData, 0, 0])
print (Data)
YP = (Data[[value[1] for value in Data].index(User)][2])
only returns 1 value, the first value it finds, so this line will only ever give you 1 value. Since you want to print all values, you do need a for cycle.
This line is also very hard to read, since it's trying to do a lot at the same time. Don't be afraid to use more lines of code as it often increases the readability of your code.
The first thing i would do is filter the initial data to only get the records that are for the User:
UserData = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == User, Data))
This returns the same list as Data, but only the records which have its index 1 equal to our User. If you are using Python 2, list(...)
is unnecessary since filter()
already returns a list. But in Python 3 it returns a filter object and we do need to convert it to a list.
If this new list has no elements, there was no data for the user. If it has some elements, we iterate over them and print them:
if len(UserData) > 0:
for data in UserData:
value = data[2]
print(f'][{User}][ {value}')
print('No data')
Checking the length of our filtered list to know if we have data is cleaner than relying on an exception to do it for us. Here i'm using f-strings to print the data. You could also use the more traditional format()
function if you feel more comfortable:
print('][{}][ {}'.format(User, value))
The complete code looks like:
UserData = list(filter(lambda x: x[1] == User, Data))
if len(UserData) > 0:
for data in UserData:
value = data[2]
print(f'][{User}][ {value}')
print('No data')