Search code examples

SQL - How to retrieve 5 most recent comments for each user

I have a table called 'user_text'

| id | user_id |        date         |         text         |
| 1  |    4    | 07/01/2019 10:04:11 | This is a test       |
| 2  |    9    | 19/11/2018 09:43:00 | Here's another test  |
| ...|         |                     |                      |         

What I need to do is to select the 5 most recent (field 'date') entries for each user_id

I've searched a lot about it and it seems that somehow I need a subquery but I can't find the right combination.


  • In MySQL 5.x, one option uses a correlated subquery:

    select u.*
    from user_text u
    where (
        select count(*)
        from user_text u1
        where u1.user_id = u.user_id and >=
    ) <= 5