Search code examples

Rest assured response in ASC/DESC order

Is there any ways to validate the response in order?

"user": [
                "_id": "1",
                "age": 21,             
                "_id": "2",
                "age": 22,
                "_id": "7",
                "age": 30,

I can get specific id value with following

 .body("user[0].id", some validation)  result: 1

When I do something like this I will get all the ids

.body("", some validation)  result: [1,2,7]

Need a validation to verify the result is in DESC/ASC order

.body("", isDescOrder()/isAscOrder())


  • You can use isInOrder(Iterable<? extends T> iterable, Comparator<T> comparator) in

    List<String> user_IdList = given()
    List<Integer> integerList = user_IdList
            .map(x-> Integer.parseInt(x))
    boolean isInAscOrder = isInOrder(integerList, Ordering.natural());

    Here isInAscOrder will be true. Because 1,2,7 are in ascending order.