Sever running on a Centos 7 box whit Kde and GDM login Screen the problem it is i ran x0vncserver to access to GDM like this
XAUTHORITY=/run/gdm/auth-for-gdm-8UsAty6/:0 x0vncserver -passwordfile ~/.vnc/passwd -display :0
and i can connect to just fine but when i try to type a password to login the keys start to repeating it self many time no matters if just type one fast time the key I have read to change the speed of repeating keys in settings and it work for the rest of the session once I login but not in the GDM Login Screen where I should change that parameter Thank You !
I did Fix it changing GDM3 to login auto to my user
like this
nano /etc/gdm/custom.conf
Well better then nothing right ?