(Sorry for my english)
I'm making a subscribe system (the flush is ok in database) than:
return $this->redirectToRoute('organize_home',);
My Route of redirection needs an Id
* @Route("/mon-compte/{id}", name="organize_home")
public function accountHomepage(User $user)
return $this->render('user/organize_home.html.twig');
How can I send this id to the redirection ?
I tried to play with the user object but no success
Try this
return $this->redirectToRoute('organize_home', ['id' => "MY_ID"] );
Or (PHP < 5.4)
return $this->redirectToRoute('organize_home', array('id' => "MY_ID") );
Symfony should then load the User
with that ID and inject it into accountHomepage(User $user)