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Is there anyway to define CIDR block as client_addr value in Consul server config?

I was getting myself familiar with Consul services and trying things out. However, until now I couldn't find a way to allow specific subnets to send requests to Consul server.

here is my basic consul config.json:

"server": true,
"bind_addr":"{{ ansible_ssh_host }}",
"client_addr": "",
"bootstrap_expect": 1,
"node_name": "consul_server",

"ui": true,
"acl" : {
  "enabled" : true,
  "default_policy" : "deny",
  "down_policy" : "extend-cache"


in this case, client_addr is set to anywhere How can I set it to something like or


  • The client_addr config option controls which interfaces Consul will bind to for the DNS, HTTP[S], and gRPC listners. You can specify a space-separated list of addresses on the machine on which Consul should listen. E.g.,

      "client_addr": ""

    This won't prevent Consul from being reachable from clients on other CIDRs that can route to one of the listening IPs. You'll need to use a firewall if you want to restrict which IPs can communicate with Consul.

    You can, however, restrict which CIDRs Consul will accept API write requests from using the http_config.allow_write_http_from configuration option.

      "http_config": {
        "allow_write_http_from": [

    This example config will only allow HTTP PUT/POST/DELETE options from clients residing in one of the listed address ranges.