I'm new to MongoDB and it's really hard to do divide with lookup. I want to make a monthly salary for each employee. How can I do that? Thanks in advance. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I converted my salary field to float. However, still, I'm still getting error. When I use it without a divide it's showing fine. I tried to find an answer to these in hourly and didn't get succeed.
"POSITION": "1",
"SALARY": "150000"
"POSITION": "2",
"SALARY": "100000"
"POSITION": "3",
"SALARY": "70000"
"POSITION": "4",
"SALARY": "30000"
"POSITION": "5",
"SALARY": "56000"
"EMPLOYEE_NO": "1000",
"LNAME": "Wyatt",
"FNAME": " Stefan",
"STREET": "1255 Harrinton Ave.",
"STATE": "MN",
"ZIP": "56001",
"STATUS": "1",
"DOB": "12-MAY-54",
"START_DATE": "06-MAY-76",
"END_DATE": "",
"BRANCH_NO": "100",
"POSITION": "1",
"RATE": "",
"EMPLOYEE_NO": "1029",
"LNAME": "Martin",
"FNAME": "Edward",
"STREET": "1250 Harrinton Ave.",
"STATE": "IL",
"ZIP": "62701",
"STATUS": "1",
"DOB": "08-MAY-68",
"START_DATE": "02-MAY-95",
"END_DATE": "",
"BRANCH_NO": "103",
"POSITION": "3",
"RATE": "",
"EMPLOYEE_NO": "1089",
"LNAME": "Stewart",
"FNAME": "Macy",
"STREET": "3415 Olanwood Court, Suite 202",
"STATE": "MN",
"ZIP": "55101",
"STATUS": "2",
"DOB": "30-APR-29",
"START_DATE": "24-APR-55",
"END_DATE": "",
"BRANCH_NO": "101",
"POSITION": "4",
"RATE": "",
I convert salary field to float using below code.
db.Salary.find({SALARY: {$exists: true}}).forEach(function(obj) {
obj.SALARY = parseFloat(obj.SALARY);
> db.Employee.aggregate([{
... $lookup: {
... from: "Salary",
... localField: "POSITION",
... foreignField: "POSITION",
... as: "MOnthlySalary"}},
... {$project: {"EMPLOYEE_NO":1,"LNAME":1,"FNAME":1,
... "MOnthlySalary": {$divide: ["$SALARY", 12]}
... }}])
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5efa025aeeaa35a209477ebe"), "EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1000", "LNAME" : "Wyatt", "FNAME" : " Stefan", "MOnthlySalary" : null }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5efa025aeeaa35a209477ebf"), "EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1029", "LNAME" : "Martin", "FNAME" : "Edward", "MOnthlySalary" : null }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5efa025aeeaa35a209477ec0"), "EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1089", "LNAME" : "Stewart", "FNAME" : "Macy", "MOnthlySalary" : null }
$lookup: {
from: "Salary",
localField: "POSITION",
foreignField: "POSITION",
as: "MOnthlySalary"}},
{$project: {"EMPLOYEE_NO":1,"LNAME":1,"FNAME":1,"SALARY":1,
"avgSalary": {$divide: ["$MOnthlySalary.SALARY", 12]}
Change is $MOnthlySalary.SALARY
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5efa0fffc8a4b73cb0b8e320"),
"EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1000",
"LNAME" : "Wyatt",
"FNAME" : " Stefan",
"avgSalary" : 12500.0
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5efa0fffc8a4b73cb0b8e321"),
"EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1029",
"LNAME" : "Martin",
"FNAME" : "Edward",
"avgSalary" : 5833.33333333333
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("5efa0fffc8a4b73cb0b8e322"),
"EMPLOYEE_NO" : "1089",
"LNAME" : "Stewart",
"FNAME" : "Macy",
"avgSalary" : 2500.0
You can use $round
to round the avgSalary.