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Assert validate empty array collection symfony

Is there a way to validate and check an array of collection if it is or not empty. I already tried :

 * @Assert\NotBlank()
 * @Assert\Length( min = 1)
protected $workPlaces;

public function __construct()
    $this->workPlaces = new ArrayCollection();



  • Try with the Count assert

    // src/Entity/Participant.php
    namespace App\Entity;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
    class Participant
         * @Assert\Count(
         *      min = 1,
         *      max = 5,
         *      minMessage = "You must specify at least one email",
         *      maxMessage = "You cannot specify more than {{ limit }} emails"
         * )
        protected $emails = [];

    Validates that a given collection’s (i.e. an array or an object that implements Countable) element count is between some minimum and maximum value.

    Do not specify max if you do not need it.