I'm writing end-to-end tests for a React application using puppeteer and jest.
I've extended the expectation matchers by importing @testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect
, and I encounter an error received value must be an HTMLElement or an SVGElement
when I try to use one of the imported matchers on an object from puppeteer.
let bg = await page.waitForSelector('#bg'); // puppeteer
expect(bg).toBeVisible(); // jest
received value must be an HTMLElement or an SVGElement.
Received has type: object
Received has value: {"_client": {"_callbacks": [Map], "_connection": [Connection], "_sessionId": "B2257B3009305E280640F675C248F61E", "_targetType": "page", "emitter": [Object], "eventsMap": [Map]}, "_context": {"_client": [CDPSession], "_contextId": 3, "_world": [DOMWorld]}, "_disposed": false, "_frameManager": {"_client": [CDPSession], "_contextIdToContext": [Map], "_frames": [Map], "_isolatedWorlds": [Set], "_mainFrame": [Frame], "_networkManager": [NetworkManager], "_page": [Page], "_timeoutSettings": [TimeoutSettings], "emitter": [Object], "eventsMap": [Map]}, "_page": {"_accessibility": [Accessibility], "_client": [CDPSession], "_closed": false, "_coverage": [Coverage], "_emulationManager": [EmulationManager], "_fileChooserInterceptors": [Set], "_frameManager": [FrameManager], "_javascriptEnabled": true, "_keyboard": [Keyboard], "_mouse": [Mouse], "_pageBindings": [Map], "_screenshotTaskQueue": [ScreenshotTaskQueue], "_target": [Target], "_timeoutSettings": [TimeoutSettings], "_touchscreen": [Touchscreen], "_tracing": [Tracing], "_viewport": [Object], "_workers": [Map], "emitter": [Object], "eventsMap": [Map]}, "_remoteObject": {"className": "HTMLCanvasElement", "description": "canvas#bg", "objectId": "{\"injectedScriptId\":3,\"id\":3}", "subtype": "node", "type": "object"}}
I've not found how to use this (with puppeteer) in the doc. Do you know the proper usage?
jest-dom v 4.2.4
puppeteer v 4.0.1
You do need the page.waitForSelector
to wait for the element to be rendered, but you can assign the element to a variable with page.$
(it runs document.querySelector
within the page) like this:
await page.waitForSelector('#bg'); // puppeteer
const bg = await page.$('#bg');
But as it was suggested by others: it won't work together with @testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect
With puppeteer you can check visibility like this:
test('should check if element is visible', async function() {
const isVisible = await page.evaluate(() => {
const el = document.querySelector('my-selector');
if (!el)
return false;
const style = window.getComputedStyle(el);
return style && style.display !== 'none' && style.visibility !== 'hidden' && style.opacity !== '0';