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Delete line of a text file with batch

I saw that in batch, to delete a specific line from a text file, you need to do it with findstrthat allow you to find your line and then delete it. But is there a way to do it when you don't know the line ? I got another program that fills the file and the batch must delete the first line. Does anyone know how to do it ?

I tried with something thet reads a line from an index and then use what I got with findstr, but it doesn't work:

@echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set count=1
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (test.txt) do (
if !count! equ 1 (set "TIMER=%%a")
if !count! equ 1 (type test.txt | findstr /v %TIMER%)
set /a count+=1
echo %TIMER%
timeout %TIMER%
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (test.txt) do (
echo %%a

It tells me : FINDSTR : wrong command line (the piece of code for the loop on the lines of the file and find a specific line was found on the internet)

So where is the problem ? Or maybe does someone know something like delete(x) and it deletes the line ? Just something that takes an INDEX... ^^'

(The last for loop is used to check if the line was removed btw)

Thanks by advance for any help !


  • Your code mainly doesn't work because the lack of delayed expansion.

    But there are easier ways to achieve your goal. If Compo's suggestion (" +1 "test.txt" > "modifiedtest.txt") doesn't work for you (need to keep TABs or need to remove another line than the first one), the following might work for you:

    @echo off
    set file=test.txt
    set lineToDelete=1
    (for /f "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "%file%" ^|findstr /bv "%lineToDelete%:"') do echo/%%b) > "%file%.tmp
    move /y "%file.tmp%" "%file%"