I'm using https://github.com/evshiron/nwjs-builder-phoenix as NW.js documentation suggests. When I run the "run" command I get this output in cmd:
D:\...\node_modules\.bin> run D:\...\NWJS\test_app
Fetching NW.js binary... {
platform: 'win32',
arch: 'x64',
version: '0.46.3',
flavor: 'sdk' }
Launching NW.js app...
NW.js app exited with 0.
And my package.json file contains this:
"scripts": {
"dist": "build --tasks win-x86,win-x64,linux-x86,linux-x64,mac-x64 --mirror https://dl.nwjs.io/ .",
"start": "run --x64 --mirror https://dl.nwjs.io/ ."
So my question is what "platform" refers to? Is that fine or should be win64 instead of win32? (my pc is win64 btw)
has, for some reason, became a name associated with Windows in general. It makes no sense whatsoever but it's how things are, so you'll often see even 64-bit Windows software referred to with win32
somewhere in the name. As you can see from the arch
key, it's using the 64-bit build as it's supposed to.