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Android Context leak for lateinit service binding

So i created a service, by following this:

I bind the service in a viewmodel.

Now the linter gives me the following warning:

Error: This field leaks a context object [StaticFieldLeak] lateinit var positionManager: PositionManager

How to resolve this?

   var mBound = false
   lateinit var positionManager: PositionManager

   private val connection = object : ServiceConnection {
       override fun onServiceConnected(className: ComponentName, service: IBinder) {
           val binder = service as PositionManager.LocalBinder
           if (!mBound) {
               positionManager = binder.getService()
               mBound = true

       override fun onServiceDisconnected(arg0: ComponentName) {
           mBound = false

   public fun startServices(context: Context?) {
       Intent(context, { intent ->
           context?.bindService(intent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE)

   public fun stopService(context: Context?){


  • The solution was to put the service in a weak ref:

    lateinit var positionManager: WeakReference<PositionManager>

    The issue was that the viewmodel was holding a reference to the service. If the viewmodel is to be destroyed, the ref to the service might keep the GC from freeing its memory - causing a leak. See this post for more info: