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Algorithm for masking time when the signal is above a threshold

I have a realtime signal from a sensor. I need logic to implement a masking time once the signal is above a threshold. As shown below:

enter image description here

Here the signal (in blue) crosses a threshold. And I need to mask for any checks for the threshold for a period (masking time). (In this way I can detect only the positive pulse, similarly, I have another check for negative pulse)

See the code below:

static QTime time(QTime::currentTime());
// calculate two new data points:
double key = time.elapsed()/1000.0; // time elapsed since start of demo, in seconds
static double lastKey;

if(a_vertical> onThreshold && key-lastKey >0.2) // is this check correct for masking time?
        lastKey = key;

I'm not sure if the expression inside IF statement is a correct way for implementing a masking time. Any thoughts/suggestions are welcome.


Masking time: it's a time period masked for any threshold checking. This to differentiate positive and negative pulse. See below, during a postive pulse there is a negative-going side but it should not detect as a "negative pulse". That's why I implemented a masking time.

enter image description here


  • you can define 2 signal-slots that take care of starting, stopping the elapsed timer, fortunately, Qt has a class doing this for you, read the doc here and be aware of possible overflows and if required set QElapsedTimer::MonotonicClock

    QElapsedTimer timer;
    qDebug() << "The slow operation took" << timer.elapsed() << "milliseconds";

    and to trigger the signals

        emit startTimer();
        emit stopTimer();
    void startTimer()
    void stopTimer()