I'm making a tool that can do some operations on a transition system and also need to visualise them.
Though there isn't much documentation on the ruby-gem (this was the best I could get: http://www.omninerd.com/articles/Automating_Data_Visualization_with_Ruby_and_Graphviz ), I managed to make a graph from my transition system. (Feel free to use it, there ain't much example code around. comments/questions are also welcome)
# note: model is something of my own datatype,
# having states, labels, transitions, start_state and a name
# I hope the code is self-explaining
@graph = GraphViz::new(model.name, "type" => "graph" )
@graph.edge[:dir] = "forward"
@graph.edge[:arrowsize]= "0.5"
#make the graph
model.states.each do |cur_state|
@graph.add_node(cur_state.name).label = cur_state.name
cur_state.out_transitions.each do |cur_transition|
@graph.add_edge(cur_transition.from.name, cur_transition.to.name).label = cur_transition.label.to_s
#make a .pdf output (can also be changed to .eps, .png or whatever)
@graph.output("pdf" => File.join(".")+"/" + @graph.name + ".pdf")
#it's really not that hard :-)
Only one thing that I can't do: draw an arrow 'out of nothing' to the start state. Suggestions anyone?
credits to Jonas Elfström, this is my solution
# note: model is something of my own datatype,
# having states, labels, transitions, start_state and a name
# I hope the code is self-explaining
@graph = GraphViz::new(model.name, "type" => "graph" )
@graph.edge[:dir] = "forward"
@graph.edge[:arrowsize]= "0.5"
#make the graph
model.states.each do |cur_state|
@graph.add_node(cur_state.name).label = cur_state.name
cur_state.out_transitions.each do |cur_transition|
@graph.add_edge(cur_transition.from.name, cur_transition.to.name).label = cur_transition.label.to_s
#draw the arrow to the initial state (THE ADDED CODE)
"shape" => "none",
"label" => "" )
@graph.add_edge("Start", model.start_state.name)
#make a .pdf output (can also be changed to .eps, .png or whatever)
@graph.output("pdf" => File.join(".")+"/" + @graph.name + ".pdf")
#it's really not that hard :-)