Button is working in bot replies but in mochawesome #bot reply is undefined
sample convo #bot BUTTON Pin Mailer
#me Pin Mailer
#bot BUTTONS Pick up|Back to menu
#me Pick up
but in mochawesome bot response undefined I’m using
botium-cli run mochawesome.
Currently, the mochawesome reporter in Botium CLI works with text messages only.
See Github repository:
const messageLog = []
const attachmentsLog = []
const listenerMe = (container, msg) => {
messageLog.push('#me: ' + msg.messageText)
if (msg.attachments) attachmentsLog.push(...msg.attachments)
const listenerBot = (container, msg) => {
messageLog.push('#bot: ' + msg.messageText)
if (msg.attachments) attachmentsLog.push(...msg.attachments)
const listenerAttachments = (container, attachment) => {
driver.on('MESSAGE_SENTTOBOT', listenerMe)
driver.on('MESSAGE_RECEIVEDFROMBOT', listenerBot)
driver.on('MESSAGE_ATTACHMENT', listenerAttachments)