I have extra footer BottomAppBar that I don't want to be there. I want the Bottom Navigation Bar to be nested within the Bottom App Bar because I still want to keep the notch for the Floating Action Button. The screenshot shows it clearly, as it is colored Red.
This is my code:
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: PreferredSize(
preferredSize: Size.fromHeight(0),
child: AppBar(
elevation: 0,
backgroundColor: Colors.transparent.withOpacity(0.4),
extendBodyBehindAppBar: true,
body: Container(
width: double.infinity,
height: double.infinity,
color: Colors.blue,
bottomNavigationBar: bottomNavBar,
floatingActionButton: addPostButton,
floatingActionButtonLocation: FloatingActionButtonLocation.centerDocked,
Widget get bottomNavBar {
return BottomAppBar(
color: Colors.red,
shape: CircularNotchedRectangle(),
elevation: 0,
notchMargin: 10,
child: BottomNavigationBar(
elevation: 0,
items: [
icon: Icon(MdiIcons.homeOutline),
activeIcon: Icon(MdiIcons.home),
title: Text("Home"),
icon: Icon(MdiIcons.accountOutline),
activeIcon: Icon(MdiIcons.account),
title: Text("Profile"),
Widget get addPostButton {
return FloatingActionButton(
focusElevation: 0,
onPressed: () {},
child: Icon(
size: 30,
Change your code as per below then check:
Widget get bottomNavBar {
return BottomNavigationBar(
elevation: 0,
items: [
icon: Icon(MdiIcons.homeOutline),
activeIcon: Icon(MdiIcons.home),
title: Text("Home"),
icon: Icon(MdiIcons.accountOutline),
activeIcon: Icon(MdiIcons.account),
title: Text("Profile"),