Using google analytics and it's measurement protocol, I am trying to track eCommerce transactions based on my customers (who aren't end-consumers meaning not sparse unique userid's, locations, etc...) which have a semantic idea of a "sale" with revenue.
The problem is that not all of my logged requests to the ga mp API are resulting in "rows" of transactions when looking at conversions->ecommerce->transactions. And additionally, the revenue reported is respectively missing too. An example of the discrepancy is listing all my non-zero transaction revenue API calls, I should see 321 transactions in the analytics dashboard. However, I see only 106... 30%!!! This is about the same every day even tweaking some attributes which I would think would force uniqueness of a session or transaction.
A semantic difference is that a unique consumer (cid or uid) can send a "t=transaction" with a unique "ti" (transaction id) which overlap and are not serial. I say this to suggest that maybe there is some session related deduplication happening even though my "ti" attribute is definitely unique across my notion of a "transaction". In other words, a particular cid/uid maybe have many different ti's in the same minute.
I have no google analytics javascript or client-side components in use and are simply not applicable to how I need to use google analytics which takes me to using the measurement protocol.
Using the hit-builder, /debug/collect, and logging of any http non-200 responses, I see absolutely no indication that all of my "t=transaction" messages would not be received and processed. Some of the typical debugging points I think are eliminated with this list of what I have tried
I have t=event messages too although I am taking a step back from using them for now until I can see that data is represented at least to 90%+.
Here is an example t=transaction call.
curl \
--verbose \
--request POST \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data 'ta=customer1&t=transaction&sc=start&v=1&cid=4b014cff-ccce-44c2-bfb8-e0f05fc7827c&tr=0.0&uid=4b014cff-ccce-44c2-bfb8-e0f05fc7827c&tid=UA-xxxxxxxxx-1&ti=5ef618370b01009807f780c5' \
You've done a very good job debugging so unfortunately there isn't much left to do, a few things left to check:
500 hits / session: if you're sending lots of hits for the same cid/uid
within 30 minutes
(whatever your session-timeout is), then these would be recorded as per of the same session and thus you could reach quota limit.
10M hits / property / month: you didn't mention overall properly volume so I'm mentioning this in case
Paylod limit of 1KB = 8192 bytes: I've seen people running into that issue when tracking transactions with a crazy amount of products attached to it
Other view filters: same thing, you didn't mention so I'm mentioning just in case
Further debugging could include:
string) for debugging, so if the event is present I know it's not a data ingestion issue but most likely my ecommerce payload which is malformed (and I have the event label to debug it), and if the event is missing then it's a data ingestion problem. See below example, replace UA-XXXXXXX-1
with your own:v=1&t=event&tid=UA-XXXXXXX-1&cid=1373730658.1593409595&ec=Ecommerce&ea=Purchase&ti=T12345&ta=Online%20Store&tr=15.25&tt=0.00&ts=0.00&tcc=SUMMER_SALE&pa=purchase&pr1nm=Triblend%20Android%20T-Shirt&pr1id=12345&pr1pr=15.25&pr1br=Google&pr1ca=Apparel&pr1va=Gray&pr1qt=1&pr1cc=&el=%7B%22purchase%22%3A%7B%22actionField%22%3A%7B%22id%22%3A%22T12345%22%2C%22affiliation%22%3A%22Online%20Store%22%2C%22revenue%22%3A%2215.25%22%2C%22tax%22%3A%220.00%22%2C%22shipping%22%3A%220.00%22%2C%22coupon%22%3A%22SUMMER_SALE%22%7D%2C%22products%22%3A%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22Triblend%20Android%20T-Shirt%22%2C%22id%22%3A%2212345%22%2C%22price%22%3A%2215.25%22%2C%22brand%22%3A%22Google%22%2C%22category%22%3A%22Apparel%22%2C%22variant%22%3A%22Gray%22%2C%22quantity%22%3A1%2C%22coupon%22%3A%22%22%7D%5D%7D%7D