I'm using the "acts_as_taggable_on" gem on my podcast page.
shows all tags, using this HAML code:
= raw Podcast.tag_counts.sort{ |x, y| x.name.upcase <=> y.name.upcase }.map{ |p| link_to p.name, podcasts_path(tag: p.name), remote: true}.join(' ')
I think it will display a mess as tags will continuously be created. I want to show only one row and if the tags are over the row, a button will show and visitors can click it to append them all.
Is there a way I can limit items with tag_counts
in "acts_as_taggable"?
Just use first()
in the line that sorts, maps, then joins:
Podcast.tag_counts.sort { ... }.map { ... }.join(' ')
The first part returns an Array
, and Array#first
will "limit" the results to 10, in this example:
Podcast.tag_counts.sort { ... }.map { ... }.first(10).join(' ')
In your code, an extremely long line is unwieldy, and you should reorganize or break it up.