OS: Windows 64bit
Software: Mplab X IDE v5.35
Compiler: XC8 (v2.10)
Menu -> Production -> Build Main Project
Build failed.
make1: *** [nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:107: build/default/production/main.p1] Error -1073741515
make2: *** [nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:91: .build-conf] Error 2
make: *** [nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: .build-impl] Error 2
In the same thing (just use [mplab X IDE v3.55]) build sucess.
What happen in mplab5.35? Must I install other library?
Thanks you!!
Makefiles in MPLAB can occationally have various issues between IDE version.
See if you can regenerate your makefiles. If you look at MPLAB® X IDEUser’s Guide in Appendix "B.4 CREATING MAKEFILES OUTSIDE OF MPLAB X IDE" (DS50002027D-page 284)
You can see that MPLAB X when creating a new project will call prjMakefileGenerator.bat
from it's platform tool binary folder. For example in my windows system this batch file is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.35\mplab_platform\bin\prjMakefilesGenerator.bat
, which I call in the project folder to regenerate all the makefiles except for $PROJECT_DIR/Makefile
. Usually I call it as C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLABX\v5.35\mplab_platform\bin\prjMakefilesGenerator.bat .
in the project folder where .
is the path (pointing to the current folder).
This should hopefully fix most problems relating to generated makefile differences between MPLAB X IDE versions.
utility is found at:$inst_mplabx\mplab_ide\bin\prjMakefilesGenerator.bat