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Jekyll posts aren't using layout accordingly

As described in "specifying layout for html posts in jekyll", Jekyll _posts should behave as any other page when it comes from its _layouts, however it isn't doing this way to me right now.

I'm developing this static site to be hosted in a Github Pages and everything else is working fine, but my posts are not.

I also checked the errors in "Jekyll post not generated" about Jekyll _posts, but the problem wasn't solved.

# _posts/
layout: post
title:  How I long for Summer
cover: /assets/img/jhonny.jpg
date: 2020-06-27 20:56:28 -0300
categories: text
# _layouts/post.html
layout: default
# layouts/default.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    {% include head.html %}

        {% include navbar.html %}

        {{ content }}

        {%- include footer.html -%}

So, even all regular pages are using default layout accordingly, my post pages have been rendered raw, as if I haven't declared any layout to them.

enter image description here

I'm using minima theme, but actually I was expecting it hasn't any effect since I overwrited post layout.

# _config.yml
markdown: kramdown
theme: minima
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title

I tried what I could. Does anyone have a clue about what I'm doing wrong?


  • All of your CSS is using relative paths rather than absolute paths and therefore isn't being fetched correctly.

    In your various source code files (head.html, footer.html etc.).

    assets/main.css // not available

    Should be:

    /assets/main.css // not available

    Another solution is to use Liquid's relative_url filter: