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How to send a website to a second activity in kotlin?

I am trying to create an application that allows sending any website as data, but when I write the address it does not load in the second activity.

Note: in the manifest I already put this code <uses-permission android: name = "android.permission.INTERNET" />

This is my code


 bt_ir.setOnClickListener {

            val sitio = pt_sitio.text.toString()
            val inten = Intent (this,
            inten.putExtra("Clave", sitio)

Second Activity

        val intent = intent
        val name = intent.getStringExtra("Clave")

        bt_atras.setOnClickListener {


  • You have a typo in your URL string after http, it should be :// instead of //:

    As well as that, if you're using http instead of https, you might need to set usesCleartextTraffic in the manifest to true - this was the default before API 28, if you target 28+ it defaults to false and you have to explicitly enable it.

    There's also a more complex system with a Network security configuration if you want more fine control over which sites are allowed through.

    Depending on what's going on in your WebView, you might need use setMixedContentMode to ALWAYS_ALLOW or something - this is a security problem, so using https would be better, but that's up to you!