I have a .txt file where I need to get rid of the last line feed. Looking at the file in a HEX Editor it shows "0d 0a" at the end.
I have looked at the thread How to delete Linefeed using batch file but that did not help.
I have tried COPY source target /b
which also does not help.
Unfortunately I can't use Java or any third party tools, I need to use a batch file.
How can I get rid of that line feed at the end?
Using batch this should work.
@echo off
setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion
set "firstLineReady="
for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (myFile.txt) DO (
if defined firstLineReady (echo()
set "firstLineReady=1"
<nul set /p "=%%a"
) > out.txt
It copies all lines and append to each line a CR/LF, but not to the last one