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Postgres relation does not exist when adding column to table?

I'm trying to create a schema and add tables to it via node using node-postgres (pg). The basic order of events is as follows:

1. Create schema
2. Create table in schema
3. Create columns in table in schema

I can verify that the schema and the table are being created without issues, but I get a relation does not exist error when trying to add the first column to the table. The query string for creating the column looks like this:

schemaName +
".process ADD COLUMN process_id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('" +
schemaName +

I've confirmed in the console log that the schema name variable matches what is was used to successfully create the table. Any ideas on why the error is being thrown here?


  • The sequence needs to be created beforehand.

    But you could also use the bigserial type which is a shortcut for a bigint column with a sequence and a respective DEFAULT created automatically. Something along the lines of:

    "ALTER TABLE " +
    schemaName +
    ".process ADD COLUMN process_id bigserial";

    Maybe you fell over that. Later, when the table/column was created you cannot see the ...serial anymore but the actual type and the DEFAULT.

    More on ...serial types can be found in the documentation.