I'm going to try to simplify this,
As part of an ASP.NET Core Web Api (.Net Core 2.2), I am working to achieve a taxi dispatcher background service that runs indefinitely and handles races -> assigns drivers to races, continuously fetch new drivers on the area and assign to races from closest to furthest accordingly (the service reads and writes to different Sql database tables). I created the background service as a hosted service that does all of the above whenever there are races available and handle each race in a new background thread. The api runs on a ftp server on IIS.
Problem: It works fine at the beginning but sometimes the service somehow times out and won't handle any incoming races and I have to stop the api and restart it, yikes, which isn't the behavior I want since I want my xamarin-forms app to be responsive and receive races in real time.
After I wrote the service, I started questioning my implementation and I came across terms like Background worker, Microservices and Worker services.. and now I'm more confused on what to fix or how to solve the problem, and if there is a better approach to this.
I use clean architecture design pattern in my Web Api. This is how I register my background service on Program.cs file:
public static IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string[] args) =>
.ConfigureServices(services =>
//Some workaround to use the hostedservice as an API
//see https://github.com/dotnet/extensions/issues/553
services.AddSingleton<IHostedService>(p => p.GetService<BackgroundManagerService>());
.ConfigureLogging(logging =>
logging.SetMinimumLevel(Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.LogLevel.Trace); //LogLevel.Information
.UseNLog(); // NLog: Setup NLog for Dependency injection;
Help is appreciated!
I ran into similar issues at work using Hangfire. While you can mess around with idle timeouts and app initializers (https://docs.hangfire.io/en/latest/deployment-to-production/making-aspnet-app-always-running.html just as an example) we ultimately moved everything into a .NET Core Worker Service and hosted it as a Windows service.
That is the approach I would suggest, it's worked out very well.