I am using node-rdkafka to connect to a Kafka instance hosted on a cloud vm. I have multiple consumers and each of them using the following Kafka config:
"group.id": "librd-test",
"metadata.broker.list": `${process.env.KAFKA_HOST}:9092`,
"socket.keepalive.enable": true,
'enable.auto.commit': true,
"debug": "all"
There are only 5 topics and my consumer code works fine only if I create less than 4 consumer instances. If I add more than 3, my nodejs express server returns timeout on any external request. Like for eg. I am doing a dummy api call fetch in one of the consumer:
const tmp = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1', {timeout: 10000})
.then(response => response.json());
If I create more than 3 consumer instances, this code mysteriously times out. Although, It works perfectly fine if there are 3 or less than 3 consumer instances. The above fetch call is called inside consumer's data event:
consumer.on("data", async function (m) {
// Fetch Call
const tmp = await fetch('https://jsonplaceholder.ty....
Why I am getting these network timeout on adding more consumers?
Things I have tried:
For hosting Kafka: Iam using https://lenses.io/box/ with free license key.
For people facing this problem in future: Please set UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE to a value more than 4 as an environment variable in your node application.
Each node process will have at least UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE + v8_thread_pool_size + 1 threads running.
the current default for both UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE and v8_thread_pool_size is 4.