I don't really know what's wrong here. I keep getting SIGSEGV. I have debugged and I saw the line where it's crashing, it is this one: (*last)->next = p;
. In case you need all the function:
void insert_last(NodeT** first, NodeT** last, int givenKey)
NodeT *p = malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
p->key = givenKey;
p->next = NULL;
if(*first == NULL)
*first = p;
(*last)->next = p;
*last = p;
And this is the main:
int main()
NodeT *first, *last;
first = last = NULL;
// insert_first(&first,&last,5);
// insert_first(&first,&last,3);
NodeT *p = first;
while(p != NULL)
printf("%d ",p->key);
p = p->next;
You forgot to set last
in the *first == NULL
void insert_last(NodeT** first, NodeT** last, int givenKey)
NodeT *p = malloc(sizeof(NodeT));
p->key = givenKey;
p->next = NULL;
if(*first == NULL)
{ // add this
*first = p;
*last = p; // add this
} // add this
(*last)->next = p;
*last = p;