I am using the package graphql_flutter for GraphQL operations in my flutter app. The queries and mutations are going well but I cannot retrieve the errors by following the ways mentioned in their doc. Every time I receive a generic error message which is,
ClientException: Failed to connect to
That I get by doing,
My mutation looks like,
final MutationOptions mutationOptions = MutationOptions(
documentNode: gql(mutationString),
variables: vars
final QueryResult result = await _instance._client.mutate(mutationOptions);
if (result.hasException) {
// none of the following prints the expected error.
return result.data;
Whereas in the apollo client, My error is :
"errors": [
"message": "Invalid Phone number provided",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 3
"path": [
"extensions": {
But I get none of that.
Note: The success response is coming as expected. I would like to know how can I get the graphql errors.
I found the problem. It is because android cannot connect to
or localhost
from the emulator. I replaced the host with my local IP address and it is working fine now.