Is there a way to submit a command in datagrip to a database without keeping the connection open / asynchronously? I'm attempting to create indexes concurrently, but I'd also like to close my laptop.
My datagrip workflow: Select column in a database, click 'modify column', and eventually run code such as:
create index concurrently batchdisbursements_updated_index
on de_testing.batchdisbursements (updated);
However, these run as background tasks and cancel if I exit datagrip.
However, these run as background tasks and cancel if I exit datagrip.
What if you close your laptop without exiting datagrip? Datagrip is probably actively sending a cancellation message to PostgreSQL when you exit it. If you just close the laptop, I doubt it will do that. In that case, PostgreSQL won't notice the client has gone away until it tries to send a message, at which point the index creation should already be done and committed.
But this is a fragile plan. I would ssh to the server, run screen
(or one of the fancier variants), run psql
in that, and create the indexes from there.