please excuse if the following problem is a super stupid mistake on my side. Im very new to coding and despite some similar problems here which have been solved already, I still can't figure out, why Im running into the following Error message within my specific code:
Exception in Tkinter callback Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.8/lib/python3.8/tkinter/", line 1883, in call return self.func(*args) File "/Users/Tomasz/Desktop/Code/04_OtherCodes/patch_app/", line 64, in clear_inputs master.after(2000, vis.destroy()) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'destroy'
Basically I'm trying to write a function, which clears all inputs in a tkinter form and displays a success message below. In order to being able to reuse the grid for more messages later on, I have to get rid of the message after a certain (short) time - let's say 2 seconds. Here is what I got so far:
from tkinter import *
import pandas as pd
master = Tk()
master.title("Patch Organizer")
message = ""
### Defining several variables and input Fields in between
### And listing them all in a list input_fields = [entry1, entry2, entry3, etc]
def clear_inputs():
global input_fields, message
for field in input_fields:
field.delete(0, END)
message = "All clear - let's start all over!"
vis= Label(master, fg = "green", text= message).grid(row=4,column=1)
master.after(2000, vis.destroy())
Why cant I call the method destroy on tkinters Label Object? And maybe there is also a better way? Like calling a function which sets the message again back to an empty string?
Thanks so much for your help!
Cheers jaq
First you need to do the grid method seperate and then you need to put lambda before the command, otherwise it happens immediately.
from tkinter import *
import pandas as pd
master = Tk()
master.title("Patch Organizer")
message = ""
### Defining several variables and input Fields in between
### And listing them all in a list input_fields = [entry1, entry2, entry3, etc]
def clear_inputs(event):
message =("All clear - let's start all over!")
vis= Label(master, fg = "green", text= message)
master.after(2000, lambda:vis.destroy())
e1 = Entry(master)
e1.bind("<Return>", clear_inputs)