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Powershell, can't enter hashtable keys with some non-ASCII characters (in a script)

I'm trying to create a PowerShell hash table to convert non-ASCII (UTF8) characters to their ASCII look-a-likes.

Here are two hash table entries as examples: 'ñ'='n' and 'Ñ'='N'.

Editor's note: Using both theses entries in the same hash table literal (@{ 'ñ'='n'; 'Ñ'='N' }) wouldn't work, because PowerShell uses hash tables with case-insensitive key lookups and therefore considers 'ñ' and 'Ñ'duplicate keys and complains. However, this is incidental to the problem at hand.

The first one works: 'ñ' is 0xc3b1. The second one does not work: 'Ñ' is 0xc391 which PowerShell won't accept. (The problem seems to be that 0x91 is outside the range of an acceptable powershell char.)

A simpler example of the problem is:

$c = [convert]::toChar(0x91)

which results in $c getting a value of 0x3f instead of 0x91. So what can I do to get 'Ñ'='N' into the hash table, or a char with a value of 0x91? I've already spent hours reading web pages and experimenting.


  • Note: By default, PowerShell hashtables, due to using case-insensitive lookups, do not support keys that are mere case variations of another; therefore, ñ and Ñ - the former being the lowercase version of the latter - cannot both be used as keys - see bottom section.

    In memory, all PowerShell strings are UTF-16 .NET strings, which are capable of representing all Unicode characters, so using character such as Ñ as keys in hash tables is not a problem.

    The problem you describe only arises when PowerShell misinterprets source code read from a file, due to assuming the wrong character encoding.

    Your symptom suggests that your source code is UTF-8-encoded, but the file doesn't have a BOM, which causes Windows PowerShell (but, fortunately, no longer PowerShell [Core] v6+) to misinterpret the file as encoded based on the system's active legacy ANSI code page (e.g., Windows-1252 on US-English systems), a single-byte encoding.

    Make sure that your source-code file is saved as UTF-8 with a BOM[1], and your problem will go away.

    What you think are Unicode code points, 0xc3b1 and 0xc391, are in reality the 2-byte UTF-8 encodings (0xc3 0xb1 and 0xc3 91) of the true code points corresponding to ñ and Ñ: 0xf1 and 0xd1

    As for:


    seemingly not producing a [char] instance with the given code point, 0x91 (decimal 145):

    • It does, namely in memory, which you can easily verify:

        [int] [convert]::toChar(0x91) # -> 145 (0x91)
    • You'll only get 0x3f - which is a literal ? character (try [char] 0x3f) - if you mistakenly save the in-memory representation with ASCII encoding: since 0x91 is outside the ASCII sub-range of Unicode (which goes from 0x00 to 0x7f), it cannot be represented in the output file, and the substitute character ? is used.

    Note that PowerShell's hash tables are case-insensitive, so you cannot have keys that are merely case variations of one another:

    # !! FAILS
    ...  Duplicate keys 'ñ' are not allowed in hash literals.

    You must use the .NET [hashtable] type (System.Collections.Hashtable) directly to create case-sensitive hash tables:

    # Create case-SENSITIVE hash table:
    $ht = [hashtable]::new()
    • $ht now has 2 entries and $ht['ñ'] and $ht['Ñ'] retrieve the values case-sensitively.

    • By contrast, if you had used $ht = @{}, i.e. initialized the hash table as a regular, case-insensitive hash table, you'd only get 1 entry with value 'LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE', because the 2nd assignment, $ht['Ñ'] =, simply updated the case-insensitively looked-up key created by the 1st statement.

    [1] Alternatively, use a UTF-16 encoding, which invariably uses a BOM; the UTF-16LE form is (erroneously) referred to as Unicode in PowerShell.