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How to make TopMost toggle switch

Hello there I'm trying to make TopMost toggle switch here's the code: private void bunifuiOSSwitch1_OnValueChange(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void bunifuiOSSwitch1_OnValueChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Main main = new Main();
            if(bunifuiOSSwitch1.Value == true)
                main.TopMost = true;
                main.TopMost = false;

At first it worked when toggled to true and worked when toggled to false but when I tried to retoggle it on it didn't worked after that I tried to change the code again but that didn't worked too... Now it doesn't even TopMost.


  • What you need to do is pass a reference to Main into your Settings form. One way to do this is when you call Show() or ShowDialog():

    // ... in Form Main ...
    private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Settings settings = new Settings();
        settings.Show(this); // pass in this instance of Main as the "owner" of settings

    Then, over in Settings, you can cast the .Owner property back to the Main type and take action on it:

    // ... in Settings Form ...
    private void bunifuiOSSwitch1_OnValueChange(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (this.Owner!=null && this.Owner is Main)
            Main main = (Main)this.Owner;
            main.TopMost = (bunifuiOSSwitch1.Value == true);