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PostgreSQL query: write a query to return the maximum of each group of consecutive numbers

Given a set of numbers like "1,2,3,6,7,8,11,12,15,18,19,20", write a query to return the maximum of each group of consecutive numbers.

need to first find which numbers should be in a group, and then find the max in each group.

create table tt (c1 numeric);
insert into tt values

So the answer would be 3, 8, 12, 15, 20


  • I cannot close this question as a duplicate, but I can copy my answer here: Assuming you want 3, 8, 12, 15, and 20, you would use lead():

    select c1
    from (select t.*, lead(c1) over (order by c1) as next_c1
          from table1 t
         ) t
    where next_c1 is distinct from c1 + 1;

    This uses the observation that you can find the end number just by comparing the "next number" to the current value plus 1.

    If you want these in a string:

    select string_agg(c1::text, ',' order by c1)

    Here is a db<>fiddle.