Search code examples

Snowflake - Check string is alpha numeric or not?

I have a column that should not contain any alphanumeric value. I have tried

case when col1 like '%[0-9]%' 
    then 1 
    else 0 

but this is not working.


  • like does not understand the pattern that you are giving it. You want a regex match, so use a regex function:

    select col1, regexp_like(col1, '.*[0-9].*') has_number from mytable

    This gives you a boolean value (true / false). If you want a number, you can cast or use a case expression instead.

    This checks if the string contains any number. If you want to search for any alphanumeric character, then \w comes handy:

    regexp_like(col1, '.*\\w.*')

    And finally if you want to ensure that the string contains only alphanumeric characters:

    regexp_like(col1, '^\\w*$')