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Set scoped popup form property data

I have a winforms app that dynamically creates sub form popups in runtime based on runtime data. I would like each popup to have it's own scope, which I think that I have achieved. Also, I would like to set a "player profile" resolved by the scope, based on the runtime data. This is where I need help.

Each popup form has a profile data property:

public partial class PlayerForm : Form
    public IPlayerProfile Profile { get; set; }

I open the forms using a registered form generator:

public TForm GetForm<TForm>(ActiveGame gameInfo) where TForm : PlayerForm
    var scope = new Scope(_container);
    var form = scope.GetInstance<TForm>();
    form.GameInfo = gameInfo;

    // set the profile:
    // form.Profile = ...

    form.Closed += (s, e) => scope.Dispose();
    return form;

The scope doesn't have a GetAllInstances method. How can I get and set the matching IPlayerProfile here? The gameInfo contains the type name to find the appropriate profile.

Relevant container config:

container.Options.DefaultScopedLifestyle = ScopedLifestyle.Flowing;

var registrations = profiles.Select(t => Lifestyle.Scoped.CreateRegistration(t, container));


  • Calling Container.GetAllInstances<T>() is equivalent to Container.GetInstance<IEnumerable<T>>() and this holds with Scope too that, as you mentioned, misses a GetAllInstances method. So you can call this:

    var profiles = scope.GetInstance<IEnumerable<IPlayerProfile>>();

    Or you can resolve any other supported collection type, such as:

    var profiles = scope.GetInstance<IReadOnlyCollection<IPlayerProfile>>();