I am trying to perform ranking based on some calculation of already existing columns. I tried using the SQL RANK() function however it is showing the result as 1 for all entries even if the value of the order by (score column) is different. Please see the details below:
I have used the SQL query as follow:
use EFR_DB
select d.serial, d.question_set_id, d.correct_answers, d.total_questions, d.time_taken_seconds, q.total_time_in_secs,
(cast(d.correct_answers as float)/d.total_questions) as qu_point, ((q.total_time_in_secs-d.time_taken_seconds)/q.total_time_in_secs) as ti_point,
(((cast(d.correct_answers as float)/d.total_questions)*2) + ((q.total_time_in_secs-d.time_taken_seconds)/q.total_time_in_secs)) as score,
rank() over (partition by d.question_set_id order by score)
from daily_quiz_record d join Question_set q
on q.question_set_id=d.question_set_id
Please help me how can I do the raking which is partitioned by question_set_id and ranked on the basis of the score.
Screenshot attached for your reference. enter image description here
You can’t use an alias defined in the select
clause in the same clause. I suppose that one of your table has a column called score
, otherwise your query would error - so this existing column is being used for ordering instead of the computed value.
Since your expression is lengthy, it is simpler to turn the query to a subquery, and rank in the outer query:
rank() over(partition by question_set_id order by score) rn
from (
-- your existing query (without rank)
) t