I have a header file that looks like this:
typedef void Square;
extern Square* Square_Init (int width, int height);
extern void Square_Delete (Cube* cube);
extern int Square_GetWidth (Cube* cube);
extern int Square_GetHeight (Cube* cube);
and a .c file, looking something like this:
/* #include "square.h" */ /* compiler gets mad for redefining Square */
typedef struct {
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;
} Square;
Square* Square_Init (int width, int height) {. . .}
void Square_Delete (Cube* cube) {. . .}
int Square_GetWidth (Cube* cube) {. . .}
int Square_GetHeight (Cube* cube) {. . .}
When I finally include my header file in let's say main.c, all the functions work well. It is just a bit odd for me, that I can't include the square.h file into the square.c file. Can it be done somehow?
What you seem to want to do is an opaque type. But void *
is not a type compatible with struct pointers, so you cannot use them interchangeably, and most definitely cannot use void
interchangeably with a structure type.
The correct way is to use a tagged structure without definition in the header, for example:
typedef struct square Square;
and if you include the header in your .c
file, you just need to add:
struct square {
unsigned int width;
unsigned int height;