Using 5.4.1, Gradle was able to resolve dependencies of the form:
dependencies {
implementation "my.groupname:my-project-name:${version}"
where the dependency artifacts were stored in jFrog artifactory under:
If I upgrade my wrapper to 6.5, Gradle isn't able to resolve the dependencies any longer. If the setup were completely under my control, I'd move the artifacts to:
and be on my merry way. Unfortunately, it's not, so I can't. Is there a straightforward way to workaround it in my project without changing the structure in artifactory? I'm using maven dependency resolution, as well as the id com.jfrog.artifactory plugin at version 4.16.0.
Updated: (The original answer only worked on a hot cache) I was able to resolve the issue by adding an entry to the repositories and also hacking the dependencies a bit section of build.gradle:
repositories {
// ... other repositories
maven {
url "my.artifactory.url/my-repo/"
artifactUrls "my.artifactory.url/my-repo/my.groupname"
credentials {
username = "${artifactory_user}"
password = "${artifactory_password}"
metadataSources {
dependencies {
implementation ".:my-project-name:${version}"
Initially, I had also included mavenPom()
in the metadataSources, but there was an incorrect pom.xml on the other end, so I had to remove it (the groupId in pom.xml was missing).