I'm plotting a year's data (June - May) to a whisker-box plot, by month.
I have the data in a pandas series:
2018-06-01 0.012997
2018-06-02 0.009615
2018-06-03 0.012884
2018-06-04 0.013358
2018-06-05 0.013322
2018-06-06 0.011532
2018-06-07 0.018297
2018-06-08 0.018820
2018-06-09 0.031254
2018-06-10 0.016529
Name: Value, dtype: float64
I can plot it but I'm not able to get the column the month name so it's plotted with rather just numbers. However as the months are not from Jan = Dec, the month number doesn't make sense this way.
Any way to get the month name when I create such a df using the Grouper function?
The code I'm using is originally from https://machinelearningmastery.com/time-series-data-visualization-with-python/
If I understand correctly, the Grouper arranges the series into an array that contains the data per month, so I guess that would be the point when it would be possible (if at all):
groups = series.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq = 'M'))
months = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(x[1].values) for x in groups], axis=1)
I tried to find but couldn't get any hint on how to name a column based on any condition when using the pd.DataFrame function. I would be really grateful if anyone could help me with the right direction.
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,8))
#some code for other plots
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212)
groups = series.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq = 'M'))
months = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame(x[1].values) for x in groups], axis=1)
months = pd.DataFrame(months)
months.columns = range(1,13)
ax3.set_title('Results June 2018 - May 2019')
You can use the strftime
function with the '%B'
conversion string to obtain the corresponding month names and then plot them.
Here's some example code:
series = pd.Series({'2018-06-01':0.012997,
series.index = pd.to_datetime(series.index)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (16,8))
ax3 = fig.add_subplot(212)
group = series.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq = 'M')).sum()
plt.bar(group.index.strftime('%B'), group)
ax3.set_title('Results June 2018 - May 2019')
And here's the corresponding plot it produces: